About Me šŸ“

Get to know the author — Mamy Syu

A mom | Brave & playful | Strong Inside | Talented
Addicted to coffee
Natural cook
Entrepreneur by blood
Obsess to parfum 
Abaya & Shawl & K-beauty



Hye I'm Annur Syuhadah, a Malaysian part-time mommy blogger with 3 kids, Naufal, Nufael, Hawraa. People keep asking me.. "Can meyh? Blog and at the same time have career and family commitments?" Okay. I tell you what.

Blogging is just requires a very little hard work but to survive, you need a lot of patience. Yeah guys, patience. Quality content is not the only matters. If you know, you know because blogging is actually about building relations with blogger-friends (by enabling peer to peer learning) and of course with your audience too.

Well it's not that easy to build a large network of blogosphere in a very short period. Really. It is a very hard practice and not one that can be learned over night however I believe that the best way to have good, warm relationship with your audience is to engage and connect with each other through the web as well as your social media.

What I was trying to say is, you can't focus on growing your blog alone, but it has to be in line with your social media as well.

I'm so blessed and lucky being accepted in such positive circles like AFB and BITERS . Having a good networking and connected with local bloggers is proven to help you grow and grow as long as you remain humble and friendly to everyone. InsyaAllah you will go farther along than you can expect in your blogging career.

Often I found unethical blog writer which too obsessed with their blog monetization, and with no shame copycat others content, spreading slander as well as humiliating people just to get a high-volume traf fic to their blog. Always remember Allah is watching and He knows best!

So let's blog only to spread knowledge and love okay! Don't forget to respect copyrights (never violate copyright policies) and keep blogging humbly. Wishing you all a happy blogging!


#MamySyu #MalaysianMommyBlogger

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